Friday 13 May 2011


CAROLIIIIIIIIIINE, my baby, my sister,
my partner, my friend, my Caroliiiiiiiiiiiine !!!!
I took her to an art exhibition opening once, and then, my friends,
David and the others told me to bring her again.
and again, and again..... because they fell in love with her !!!!! like me !!! she is amazing !!! 
Everyone loves her, she can make dance every body
Everybody comes for her

She is smiling and happy all the time

Around her you can only be happy as well

It was so sad to let her leave.....
She catches all eyes

David, Melissa, me.... for her !!!!

I tried my best to make the guys stay the longest possible, but they had to leave.... :(



Then I realised it was the end..... the end of the most amazing 5 months of my life....
Without her nothing will be the same...
I started to get depressed already !! No smile anymore for me..... 


I cried and cried and cried.........

We partied all night long, and then went to the airport with a taxi.....
Some friends came to say AU REVOIR
Too many teeeeeeears........

AND !!!!
20 minutes afer leaving her at the airport, she called me....
she missed the flight !!!!She was tired, sad, confused....
she misunderstood the time of the plane take off...
SHe came back. We had another last night, but completely sleepy, I had to call David to make him come at 5 am to take us to the airport.
After the rehearsal of the previous day, the 2nd BYE BYE was less tearing but still sad. 
 This year is finished, I won't never experience such an enjoyable, fun, free, wotless life again,
but i won a great friend, THANK YOU CAROLINE

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