Sunday 12 June 2011


Shawn Pilgrim,

my most deeply moving meeting.
One huge thing opposes us: religion, but everything else gathers us.
Spending time with him is such a pleasure, a peace, a joy.
He is sociable, smart, funny, cultured, interesting, musician, dancer...
I don't know how it happens but progressively he became necessary for me, to have good times,
without him it's different, i can't explain how he makes me feeling so good.

Despite of THE difference, we got closer, learning from each other, a lot.
We see Life from 2 opposite worlds, 2 philosophies, 2 different lots of rules, 2 definitions of Good and Bad.
I like to sum it up like:
he believes in God, i believe in Love; he is guided by Him, i am guided by myself.

I had never met some one (of my age) following this religious life way before.
To me he was an Alien, a drone, brain washed, close minded.
To him i was a free spirit, faithless, Truth ignorant, without limits, without goals.
We were probably right, but now we know each other,
opened ourselves to this difference, understand each other,
love each other without conditions.
I would have NEVER believed I could be friend with someone like that.



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