Friday 8 July 2011

Night out with my girl friends - Boite à Paris avec mes copines

Cap Rouge, Rue Mouffetard, Paris 5e.
Jeudi 7 Juillet 2011.

Retrouvailles avec mes SUPER COPIIIIIIINES !!!!
Stéphanie  !!!!She is a real true friend, always there for me,
always listening, understanding, helping...
creative, very talented, a great sculptor, passionated, courageous...

We used to attend the same high school in Evry but we became friends at
the Ecole Boulle, Paris, in the Event design section.
She lived in China for a year, studying Arts.
So she understands me, she knows what is to be living in a country so far away from your family
, she gave me a lot of courage, confidence and advices to undertake this adventure to Barbados.
A lot of love emanates from her.

I love her sooooooo muuuuuch
when I first heard "Waka waka" of Shakira in a club in Barbados; because I realised how much i missed her.

et Shirley !!!!Absolutely no men can resist her !!!!!

We met through, a french website connecting parisian young clubbers, we realised we were living in the same city, Ris-Orangis, started to hang out, by train and then with my car, and we became friends.


Stéphanie's sister, Anne-Sophie, herself and the bottle we got for free because it was her birthday
HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY !!!!! (with Mousseux mmmmmmmmm......)

The crowd in the tight cave.

One of our new french friends for that night.

I said "i don't speak french" to one girls-picker, to make him go away, but he liked the challenge and started to speak en inglish with in cute french (and sometimes incomprehensible) accent.
The game was launched !!!!

Shirley followed me with a natural ease,
we were Pauline and Elena, cousins, both from Barbados, on vacation for 2 weeks in Paris.

It was soooooo funny to hear them saying to each other
- Hé Seb ! comment on dit euh.... genre....."qu'est ce que vous faites après?" en anglais ?   
- euh..... "what you".... non....attends, je sais plus, putain langue de merde aussi là, ché pu,
vas-y dis lui "follow us"
- merde ! elle a répondu, mais j'ai pas capté un mot de ce qu'elle a dit, vas-y vas lui parler toi sinon elle va se barer, ça fait pitié si elle croit qu'on peut pas aligner 2 mots en anglais.

( - Hi Seb ! how do we say hummmm.... like.... " what are you doing later?" in french ?
- hummmmmm "que ce....." wait, what the fuck... i can't remember, what a fucking language, dunno, lets tell her "suis nous"
- shit ! she answered but i didnt get anything of what she said, you go speak to her, if not she will leave, we will look ridiculous if she thinks we can't even make a sentence in french.)
We met some spanish speaking people, from Mexico, Argentina... They didnt notice our french accent in english, we made a lot of efforts to have the good intonation, so proud of us !!
(One of them spoke very well though, i was kind of destabilized because i didnt understand some of his words, but i got around as a good actress.)

It was a sort of charity night you know, because we made these young males practicing their english, without us they might never use what they learned some years ago.
Now, they all want to visit Barbados ( to meet pretty girls) ,
so we should get paid by the Government for the touristical advertisment !!!!! 

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