Sunday 7 August 2011

Sunset on the board walk - Couché de soleil en bord de mer











Bridgetown Market

BRIDGETOWN MARKET Street Fair in Barbados

Scenes of Crop Over What is Bridgetown Market in Barbados?

In Barbados, Bridgetown Market is the biggest street fair of the Crop Over Festival, usually held on the last weekend of the season. This is a favourite Bajan tradition where for three days the entire Spring Garden Highway is converted into a hype of activities, as the focus is mainly on this sub-festival of the Crop Over Festival.
As a major part of the Crop Over season, the Bridgetown Market street fair attracts many tourists and locals alike, which is why it outgrew it’s previous location at Harbour Road (Pelican Craft Centre area, formerly Pelican Village). It features all types of Bajan products including local Art & Craft, Fashion, as well as a variety of indigenous foods & drinks from very colourfully displayed stalls or kiosks.
You can especially enjoy the Steel Pan concerts, competitions and a wide range of local entertainment and music such as; Folk groups, Tuk Bands, the Barbados Landship, Steel Bands, stick licking, stilt walking, dance groups, gospel groups, as well as calypso, reggae & our own spouge music.Â
At the Bridgetown Market street fair you are promised an entire weekend of fun & frolic as you sample the local delicacies and the popular bajan rum & beer.
Don’t forget in the midst of your enjoyment, to purchase some locally handmade souvenirs, so you can take home a piece of Barbados.

A section of the large #4F4

Grabbing a sno-cone to #C1C

Some opted to purchase #920

This lady had a hard ti#D9D





Cohobblopot is defined as a big pot into which is put various vegetables, provisions and meat and at the end of the ‘cook up’, the experience for the one to whom it is served is unforgettable! In Barbados there is a second Cohobblopot, this is the dish of local and international performers, stewed with lights, dancers, fireworks and a sound system that literally overwhelm the senses with goodness.

The euphoria from Calypso Monarch Popsicle’s popular win in the MQI, Banks, LIME Pic-O-de Crop Competition still lingered, as the thousands that streamed into Kensington Oval for the 2011 edition of Cohobblopot ‘The Ultimate Summer Show’ came to continue the party for the penultimate show of Crop Over..
Bajan Soca Stars kicked off the production of which there were three segments. Pun De Road,  traced the Grand Kadooment from the early days, with images projected on the big screens situated at either side of the gigantic stage. Rising talent Reddman led the pack with Gorg, TC, Peter Ram, Mr. Dale, Alison Hinds, Blood, Ricky Manaj and Biggie Irie nicing up the stage.
Alison Hinds
 You can't understand what is Crop Over if you don't listen to those songs, (there are no videos, just music)
You have to enjoy this MUUUUSSSIIIIIICCC !!!!

Lil Rick


Big Red

Red Plastic Bag

Biggie Irie


My Hymn !!!!!!!



Grand Kadooment

Crop over is there
Official presentation:

If you have never experienced Grand Kadooment Day, then you've been missing out on one of life's great treasures. A
summer street carnival, filled with people consumed with "festival fever", dancing to Caribbean soca music and wearing spectacular, multicolored costumes and body paint. It's the climax of the Crop Over festival - "sweet fuh days" - in Barbados.

Colour, culture and heritage (tuk bands, land ship, stilt-walkers), music (calypso, tuk, ring bang and steelpan), alcohol (locally brewed beer and rum) along with energy, friendly spirited people and fantastic summer weather, are all combined to create the Caribbean's ultimate festival -"more than a carnival, sweet fuh days".

This will probably be surprising but I don't have much to say about it.
The text above explains.
For my personal feeling, since I didn't jump in a band the experience was nothing like the craziness you can think of.
Plus my sister left the day before and that had me very sad, I hadn't seen her for a year and I don't know when I will see her again.

I just stood up on a side and watched the bands passing, taking pictures like a cold visitor.
I was alone with Shawn, not a group of friends, not fun.
Some excited girls came to me trying to get me wukking up.


Free drinks from the trucks for the Jumpers
Les boissons sont gratuites depuis les camions, pour les gens qui "jumpent"







Family, watching the bands



The whole world's press commented on Rihanna's wild behavior at the Carnival.
To me she just acted the same way as all the Crop Over participants, nothing more.
But the European and American journalists don't know that, they used the pictures out of the context. I'm not the biggest Rihanna fan but on that I can only defend her.
La press du monde entier a commenté le comportement vulgaire de Rihanna au Carnaval.
Pour moi elle a juste fait la meme chose que tous les participants du Crop Over. Rien de plus. Je ne suis pas la plus grosse fan de Rihanna mais sur ça je ne peux que la défendre.



People are super friendly. Bajans are naturally friendlier than most people I've encountered in my life, but with a few drinks "in the nose" we say in French on Kadooment day, they are like that:
Les gens sont super gentils. Les Barbadiens sont naturellement plus accueillant que la plus part des gens que j'ai rencontré dans ma vie, mais alors avec quelques rhum "dans le nez" le jour du Carnaval, ils sont comme ça:

Ils parlent à tout le monde, ils rient, s'amusent, te souhaite de t'amuser aussi.

 They talk to everybody, laugh, enjoy, wish you to have fun too.


And the rain falls.... of Course !!!
Et la pluie tombe.. évidemment !


But nothing can stop the fete

Mais rien n'arrete la fete


Bon alors je dis "gentil bisounours" mais ça c'est d'un point de vue de touriste sur le coté, entre participants et entre Barbadiens tout court, tout tourne un peu autour de la danse, le wuk up. Je vous en ai deja parlé dans l'article sur le carnaval de UWI, pour moi ça reste une position sexuelle pratiquée en public et en musique, ça pollue tout le carnaval en lui donnant un aspect sexuel inadapté à la rue en plein jour. Enfin, encore une fois ce n'est que mon opinion d'Européenne.
Mais encourager son fils de
6 ans à attraper une fillette du meme age par les hanches et lui pousser le dos pour qu'elle se panche en avant, j'aimerais savoir qui, à part les adeptes de la pratique, cautionne ça... je dis ça, je dis rien.....

Well, I say  "friendly Care bears" but it's from a tourist on the side point of view.  Between participants and Barbadians, everything is kind of about the dance,  the wuk up. I told you already about that in the article on UWI Carnival. For me, it remains a sexual position practiced in public and in music, it pollutes all the carnival, giving it a sexual aspect that is inappropriate for the road at day. But again, this is just my European opinion.
But encouraging your 6 year old son to catch a little girl of the same age by the hips and push her back to have her bending over, I'd like to know WHO, except the people who practice that, supports it... Just saying.... 



This gentleman was prepared to make a sale inspite of the weather



The last band...
the wild, free, dangerous band....
No costumes, only excited people and an army for security.

