Friday 5 August 2011

Rihanna Concert

RiRi Loud in Barbados is not a simple concert,
this is THE event of the century
the biggest show ever given in the Island.....
Companies closed earlier in the afternoon.... ( I personally left the Advocate at 3pm),
town was blocked for cars, the stadium gates opened at 4 pm.....
Everyone was talking exclusively about... TONIGHT!!!!

and i hadn't gotten tickets.... they got sold out in a few weeks, when i was in France.
Peeps were selling some for $150 bbd in town a few days ago,
but the next day it was $200 bbd, and the following one the guys were not at the corner anymore...
(I could have used one a friend was selling me for $150 bbd , but only one......
I wanted to go with Shawn.)

So, I spent my all friday looking for tickets, asking around by bbm, facebook, emails, calls....
They were alllllll gooooonnne !!!!

Desperate, i made calls on my way home, Simbah told me she may have one she wouldn't use !!!
I called Alicia, bbmed Simbah again, Maria, called Fran, David at the same time.....
Alicia was ok to sell hers for $100, Jerry had an extra one for $150 !!!!! YYYEEEESSS !!!!!!
(finally Jerry's one was for $180..)



In the Blue Bus chartered for the event.
The line to get in the bus looked long like more than 100m....
Sorry for the nice people who were waiting quietly.... we got in straight...

(no camera allowed.... so here are a photographer's pics)











Now, my feed back:
Disappointment !
OK she sings and dances very well, BUT
she just did her job, like if she was doing it for a camera, not for a public.
No interaction with the public,
(like "Barbados are you readyyyyyyyy", or "put you hands in the aaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir",
or "sing with meeeeeeeee", the normal concert stuff)
no songs remix,
no guests on the stage,
no surprises
at aaaaallllll !!!

and a pause of 1hour between the first part and her.....
Shawn and I had to kill the time..... We got drinks..... That was the best part of the night :) :)

At the end, the war to get a Blue Bus back to the Gymnasium (where we left the cars) was not easy....
We had to get drinks again to overcome it......
Finally home, i was dead ..... but happy !!


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