Sunday 6 March 2011


Home-made orange juice

I was too fed up with the too sweet-soda juices that we get here in Barbados, even the "real" juice ones are actually from concentrate and with sugar added.
So I bought oranges to make my fresh juice. About 10 oranges, an hour of squeezing, a lot of washing, for 1 liter.
1 of the two 50cl bottles got bad before I got the chance to drink it :(
A lot of work and money... Wasn't worth it

Apple pie



In CANADA.....
Ooups, in BARDADOS !!!
"Yes I'm cold" "What??? YOU are cold???, where are you from?????"

The lucky people who ate my*  delicious pie: Jeremy, Ruthie, Stella, Mark

* ok ok, Jeremy helped me a little bit... ok 50% !!

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