Sunday 20 March 2011

UWI Carnival

UWI, University of West Indies has its own Carnival on the 26th of March 2011
I chose to jump with this band:

And with the Wotless Costume
"Wotless" meaning to be free to enjoy, without any reponsabilities...
from this song:
(clic on the "Play" symbol to listen to the music)

Caroline, Melissa, ( you should know them now) and I, ready to jump !!!




Melissa is seeing us like in a videogame:

Ok, the shuttle that was supposed to take us from the campus to the departure of the parade
actually doesn't exist, so we had to find another solution to get there. We climbed a truck carrying the drinks, it was very dangerous, sitting on the alcohol bottles, hardly held, holding each other... we met police officers, they didn't say anything.














This part should be seen only by adults
You remember when i mentioned the way people dance at Reggae Lounge on fridays night? it was the same, but in the day.

This is actually the main part of this Carnival, i don't know
yet about Crop Over
( Official carnival of Barbados in August ),
so im just talking about this one and what I saw and lived.
For me it was like repetitive agressions from the boys.
To me it is like simulating sexual act, in the street, with clothe and extremely violently.

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Many girls are ok with that, and i guess they even practice at home
to excercise their suppleness to do it.

I had to avoid about 50 consecutive "attacks from behind". I don't think they would have tried to do these things with me, but still, I was there to enjoy the event with my 2 girl friends. Which was apparently inconceivable for them.
I got a lot of "NO ?? HELLO you are in Barbados !!".
So in Barbados girls can not have fun by themselves?

Crazy enough, a line started behind me, it was like a game, who would stay the longest before being pushed away by the angry girl?

I was told over and over: " this is their culture ".

But it is totally false !!!! All the bajan people i told this story had the same reaction :
it is disgusting and disrespectful,
personnaly i don't do that, i understand it annoyed you".
So what?
I know only exceptional bajan people? everyone in Barbados do that except them? or
they lied to me? they love it as well they just don't want to admit it in front of me?
I think that this Carnival is the event where young people who like behaving like this go, and enjoy. I didn't know.
I did not enjoy this day at all. But, I wanted to experience it by myself because I want to know everything about Barbados. Yes, now I know. I will not go again next year.

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