Saturday 5 November 2011


Im going to support him with some frenchies studying english this year at BCC.
We are a bit late, but Kevon is coming with 4 pretty pompom girls, so he hopes to be forgiven...

Actually the Captain was upset... but not because he was late...
Because he didn't introduce the girls !!  

So ! here is the cricket field....

Well, we are there for 4 hours, let's try to understand what's going on in front of us...


They are all in white... So how do we know which guy is in which team?
Is there a white-white outfit, and a white-cream one?

Aren't they supposed to be 11 players in each team?
They are not 11 of them right now...
Where are the others?

Is it a small game so they took only the half of the team?

Is the guy who hits the ball in the same team as the one who sent it?
Which team runs after the ball?
I mean "runs"... when someone does..... 
Oh !!! A guy is running....
but.... no one else, they even look bored
Why don't they move?
What are they waiting for? 

Sometimes they go really far, but they still don't run.
Why do they go so far? What are doing the other guys? 

Who is winning?
How do they count the points? 

Oh, the guys watching are applauding, let's applaud too !!!!
But wait !!! We don't know if this good action was from Kevon's team...
We don't want to applaud to the adversary...

Where is Kevon?
Oh is it finished?? already??
They are taking a break?
Are they tired... of....mmmm... not running for sure.... mmmm.....
waiting standing up in the sun yes, ok i understand.

Kevon came and explained.
If you know the rules and i totally misunderstood them, you are allowed to laugh at me, go ahead:
Yes there are 11 players in each team,
but only one team has actually all its members on the field at the same time,
and only 2 batters from the second team are there. 
(so no need to differenciate them by colored outfit hehe).

Kevon won !!
Woohoooo !!!
Well deserved congratulations from the girls !! 

Let's have some good food and drinks !!! ( free ahah )

The fun part of the day actually starts now aahaha, music (from the cars ) !!
games, jokes, people, food and drinks again !!
I may go back to watch a cricket game after all ahahah

HELLO! Article

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