Thursday 5 January 2012

Last day in Paris ( tout en anglais)

Thursday 5th january 2012,

We have to see my other Grand-Mother Mamée, and Khadija, Rohan's God-sister.
And I want us to visit Beaubourg, the Contemporary Art Museum.

I suggest that we combine these 3 "things to do" in once.

I just want to make a detour for a last little Surprise for my Barbadian guest...
I'm looking for this special thing to show him close to the Rue de Rivoli...


where is it where is it...

I found it !!!
Look up chéri !

Yes I actually called Nicolas Sarkozy and asked him to have this name for a street in one of the most prestigious Paris' area. Isn't that True Love???

We found Mamée, in front of the Théatre du Chatelet, it was raining and really cold so we stopped at a Brasserie, (cafe-restaurant) to have lunch. We were invited by Mamée. Khadija met us inside.
Bellies full and warmed up we could go to the Museum, about 15minutes walking distance.
I didn't expect such a loooong line at the entrance :( the wind was icy !!
Caroline wasn't there so Rohan had to pay full price his ticket this time, as a non-european visitor.

Some pieces that I found interesting:

(left) Metalic structure with holes, creating like a lace, showing interesting shades playing with the light.
(right) A wire fencing aesthetically improved.
On the right bellow you may not see the magic but this ruban was floating in the air with no explaination. I mean, a fan was on the top, so blowing air from top to floor,
and the ruban was going up...
Ok I see in your eyes that you don't get the amazingness. it's ok.
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As I said earlier in the blog, I wanted to take Rohan to a Karaoke in French.
I looked for karaoke-bars in the area of Bastille. Surprisingly it was kind of hard to find some.
I got 2, wrote down the addresses.

Once in Bastille, on of my favourite area for night times, with Stephanie, Shirley, Fabien, his girlfriend, and the english speaking one, we had dinner at Patati Patata. The smallest restaurant in Paris, I think, but I love it. They serve huge potatoes, filled with whatever ingredients you choose, my fav is the Atlantic, Shrimp, crab, coleslow, cheese.... LOVE IT !
The place is really cheap I mean the price are, 7,50 euros for the potato and a drink. It's nothing for Paris and for that quantity of food, the potato is really filling. So yes the place itself, the forks are in plastic, the plates in cardboard, they have no bathroom. It's kind of close to the Barbados streets food vendors actually, but indoor.

Bellies full once again, let's go for the Karaoke.
10-15 minutes walking? errrrrrrhhhh by this cold??? and with these hills?? Ok ok, I'll try to survive.
We find the closest one, enter the place, it looks like a restaurant, where is the singing part....
We ask : ok, the Karaoke closed more than a year ago...
FAIL !!!!

Let's try the second place, walking in the cold again aaaaahhhhh406891_10151170814445537_741455536_22348755_346900888_n
Ok, we are in the street...mmmm how to say.... there is nothing. No life, no bar, nothing...
FAIL #2 !!!!
Ok we have no idea where else to find a karaoke, so we are going to a regular bar,
back in Bastille, walk, again.

Indiana Cafe, nice but no music, expansive drinks that taste bad....

I'm such a bad friend, shame on me... look at the poor evening I made them spend. I'm sorry guys. "le coeur y était" as we say in french (" heart was in the intention") .

I'm driving everybody home... a hhhhh I enjoy that !! it's me driving here !!! Fasten you sit belt please ahaha


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