Monday 2 January 2012

Tourists in Paris 2 ( tout en anglais)

Monday 2nd January 2012
I'm so excited to be going to La Cité des Sciences.
I love this place. It's like a modern Museum about Science (not Art). The exhibitions are lively, really interesting, interactive, and the scenography is always well done. I'm sure Rohan will enjoy it.

We arrived and..... NOooooooooo, The whole Museum is closed on Mondays.
Museums close on Tuesdays in Paris !! How could I have guessed???
I'm so disappointed. There still is La Geode, this 360 degres Movies, Imax thing.
geode 2 1 12
We watched this :
Screen shot 2012-02-20 at 11
A documentary about these people helping baby monkeys and elephants to grow up and then they set them free in their natural environment when they are strong enough. Beautiful stories, and images. But one common thought: all these efforts for animals are great but some human beings need it too. What about them?

After a nice Burger/chips at Quick, let's go to Montmartre.

Montmartre is a really pretty area in the north of Paris, a hill, with a Cathedral on the top, Le Sacré Coeur, and old typical narrow streets, with lots of artists, restaurants...



This is an example of the performances you can find in Montmartre, this guy is very confident because if his ball falls... it goes down the looong stairs.
I didn't take a lot of pictures of the top of Montmartre, nor of the Place du Tertre, with all the painters. I guess I was enjoying the company <3

It was also the Gifts day.
Went visited about 15 tourists shops to find the perfect presents for you all.
I had a hard time trying to help Rohan finding nice souvenirs for everybody, because he needs to feel a deep thrill inside his heart And whole body about a person when he sees an object to buy it, if not, if it's just "Ok" he doesn't buy, let me tell you that all my suggestions were just Ok.

Le Moulin Rouge at Night, so romantic.... ahahahah
L'Opéra Garnier, beautiful building.

We are now going to meet my parents in Les Grands Boulevards, to see the animated Christmas Shopwindows of the Galeries Lafayettes (huge Cave Shepherd) and Le Printemps.

But..... they are gone !!!
AAArrhhhhhhh today is definitely not a good tourist-guide's performance for me.
They took off the Christmas things already, all the shopwindows are closed with gray sheets :(
Oh well we can still have a look inside the stores, and laugh at the prices,
a watch : 140 000 euros. interesting...

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