Sunday 18 December 2011

Going to France for Christmas (tout en anglais)

 I'm sooo happy and excited
to go back to France this winter.

I really really miss home, family, friends.
This summer i felt like going to say Hello, and coming back home, here in Barbados.
But now, i feel like going back home, overthere in France.

I don't know why exactly such a drastic change in my mind, maybe simply because it has been more than a year that i have been away. I've surprised everybody for a year saying : "no i don't miss home at all, i'm fine here". 
This sentence isn't true anymore, home is : Famille ROUILLER-LUINATI, 11 rue de Bretagne, 91130, Ris-Orangis, FRANCE.
I don't even know if i will want to come back here in Barbados.

I have a job here, yes, but in the weirdest conditions possible ( Hi Nigel ! Mr Bryan ! ).
I have friends, yes, but i don't count for them as much as their true friends, the ones they've had for years, i'm recent in their lives, so i think, not really important. AND if i get away from all of the ones who are interested in me in a different way than friendship, then, the half of the people (men) i know disappears.
I have a nice apartment, yes, but my parents' house is super cool, my room over there tells my life, who i am. Year after year I've decorated it, my books, my toys, my artworks... My room in Maxwell is as empty as if i moved in yesterday. I have no furniture, using my suitcase as a table, a cardboard box and a piece of wood i found in the street as a bed table. Nothing on the walls. Like if i were leaving tomorrow.
I have the best climate in the word, yes, but millions of people are happy in Europe with (a bit) less sun.
I continue learning english, yes, but i think (without being pretentious) i can speak and understand as much as i wanted to when i decided to come here.
I have the best boyfriend in the world here, yes. No but.

I'm taking him to Ris-Orangis by the way !!!
He will join me after a week. I'm very excited !!

I'm going thru London, and then, Paris, Roissy Charles de Gaule aeroport.
This change from Gatwick to Heathrow in London was just impossible to do for me even this summer. I didn't feel confident enough about my english to be able to find my way, my plane, everything.
But now, no poblem, i don't even think of it. ( In this week's paper, I write in Hello Magazine some funny anecdotes that happened to me when i understood and said properly one word out of 10 in english. Link : . waw... so much distance has been crossed... )

But wait a minute.... i have no warm clothes for the change in London.
I haven't been in the cold for 2 years. I'm going to die.


I have to wait for a bus 40 minutes, outside, at 6 am.....
It's night. 3 degres. I've put on all the long sleeves things i had.
Am i going to make it to France? 20 minutes.... 30 minutes.... i'm icy inside...
The bus !!!
Wooo fancy one !! Well it can for 24 pounds !! about 30 euros the 44-minute-trip, seriously ?? almost an euro per minute !!!

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Finding my parents and be found by them at the airport was a huuuuuge thing.
Roissy Charles de Gaulle is an airport, itself, bigger than all Barbados. It is the first time of my life I land there, first time for my parents too then. All the other trips I did were from Orly, which is a lot smaller.

I don't have a phone, my Digicel one from barbados won't be working here.
This meeting at the airport has been THE fear of the past few days, anguish, anxiety, nervosity.... We all have been trying to find solutions, ways to find each other, without having ever been in that airport and having nothing to contact each other. The place will be crowded...
To give you a point of comparison, Bajan readers, think of Cave Shepherd on a Duty free day multiply by 100. You see? There you go.

Colors of the clothes, some expected shops as landmarks, useless details about the flight.... every option has been studied...

Ok, I've landed. I can only imagine the level of stress my family has reached right now, and how tense the car ride has been from home to here.
I wait for my bagage.
Strange enough, people around me speak french... I mean i think so because i can understand what they are saying without making an effort. When I'm alone, I usually close my brain to the english around, so i don't understand, just because i don't want to at one point. I find it very practical, especially in case of annoying conversations, even loud, i just press the invisible button and hop ! the sound i hear is like a music without lyrics. But right now it's not working !!!! This mode isn't available anymore !
i understand everything !

I got the bag. Nothing at the immigration service ???? waw much easier than entering Barbados !!
Heyeeyey I'm french !!! that's why... I forgot.

I'm following the exit sign, an automatic door is opening.....
They are there !!!!!!
Ahhahaahah ouiiiiiiii !!!! Maman, Papa et Marielle.
They don't look too paniked, such good actors !!

SOOooooo good to hug them !!!!!

Surprise before we go home : stop by my Grand-parents to celebrate my birthday ! My family is the best !

Once home, i have to record this video for the Advocate Christmas Party I won't be attending in person next tuesday.

harpe 18 12 11 b
( + photo dinner voucher )
Then, i have this frelance work to do for a french company that could give me work regularly.

I'm exhausted from travelling and all what i did today, but i designed the thing.
(The company never replied my email. At least i got something from the Advocate)

Alright I'm in France !!! and mmmm I have to get out of the house right?
No problem !! I am not cold at aaalll.
I missed driving soo much !!
Ok, once I took a turning and went on the left side of the road... which could have been very dangerous,
why the hell does Barbados drive on the left ??

First thing i have to do : get my eyes checked.
At the ophtalmologist appointment, when the doctor asked me to read the first line i said :
i can't see anything. nooooo !!
Result :

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